Friday, September 9, 2022

The effect of the "Heat Dome"

 We've had a spell of terrible weather these last few weeks. We were stuck in what is denominated a "heat dome", a term for a system of high pressure that settles over the regions and intensifies itself but recycling burning-hot air while resisting dissipation and so we reach temperatures in the 110s. We had that for two weeks, and when that happens, I know I go into inactive mode. All I want to do is stay inside in the air conditioning, but I can't, so it is a shock when we are forced to step outside in the broiling heat.

Hopefully the worst is over. We had some clouds and raindrops yesterday morning when I was driving to work, and it was such a change of pace to be in my car at 7 a.m. and to see the temperature gauge actually indicate temperatures in the mid to upper 70s, and not in the 80s. I didn't have to set the level so high on the air conditioning, and I was able to get enjoy the trip, wishing I was in a better vantage point (and without the necessity of work) so that I could use one of my medium format cameras and IR film to take photos of the spectacular cloud formations. They didn't promise a storm so I won't call them stormclouds, but they did like majestic, like celestial thrones. 

It quickly got very hot at work though, and by about 1 p.m. the clouds had mostly dissipated. I was fortunate to be able to shelter in my office for a few hours, but I was still expecting the temperatures to go overboard again. Well, I was mistaken. When I finished my last class and walked to the parking lot, it felt like I was broiling again. The gauge in the car said 104 degrees. But the clouds, the clouds, why did they not provide lasting relief? Well, any relief is promised soon, but not yesterday. I stayed home today (Friday), and we had clouds again, but the humidity was off the charts. As they say in Portuguese, "abafado", so it was almost as bad even though temperatures were in the 80s. I stayed in all day.

We should hopefully have milder temperatures this weekend. I want to go to a few outdoor events, but only if it is bearable. I won't if it isn't. I know I haven't been posting any photos, I have gone almost a month since my last posting here. It is just that I haven't been taking photos. I am in a stage of inactivity, and don't much fancy going back to photographing the same things I have been photographing these past few years. This may be a good change, because after all, isn't the pandemic almost over? But I don't want to go back to photographing the things I was photographing then either. I just don't feel any urge to go out anymore with cameras, so this weekend I will be pushing myself to recommence with a new routine.

Let's hope it works out. After all, I did force myself to develop three rolls of film today, so anything can happen. But I have alternative now too. I am writing and it feels "right". Finally I am working towards something I want. I will stay committed to that. 

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