Thursday, April 13, 2023

Diamond Valley Lake with Provia 100F and Minolta Autocord (pt. 1)

Scanned slide photos from my visit to Pyramid Valley Lake on Sunday, April 2nd, 2023. It took a longer time to get there than Google directions led me to believe, and the trip was extended because there was such a crush of cars waiting to pay to get in. I walked around with my Minolta Autocord and slide film, in this case, Fuji Provia 100f. There were people, yes, and there were some Asians (mostly) who weren't paying heed to the signs and warnings not to venture into the flowers and they were getting their photos and trampling what they could, but I enjoyed the trip. Yes, I don't want to single out a group, but that is what I saw, Asian women trampling flowers and venturing in to get their de rigeur photos surrounded by the colorful displays. 

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