Thursday, June 15, 2023

Olvera Street (2023) with Holga GCFN (Kodak Color Film)

"Y la queso...", that annoying slang phrase that Mexican youth are using, and which is meant to infer an ending, "...vivió", as in, "Y la que sobrevivió" (and that one who survived). Why did I think of this? Because Olvera Street is hanging on, it is not the bustling little alley it used to be thirty years ago. The vendors are complaining, and when I go, I see it, the crowds have diminished dramatically. However, you can still find compositions with the colorful merchandise. I go every few months, maybe three or four months, usually in tandem with some festival being held at the plaza, even though it is not my favorite venue. In this case, there was a Chinese/Asian Spring Festival taking place, so I went, and I walked up and down when there were breaks in the entertainment, that is, when they had music groups performing (I only want to photograph the dancing groups). 

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