Monday, August 22, 2022

Volleyball at Manhattan Beach in August of 2022

Son of a beach. I went to the Charley Saikely 6-man tournament this year on August 6th in Manhattan Beach and all I got were these lousy photos. I'm serious, it was not a good collection. The event seemed like a shadow of itself. It was busier last year, and were were still in mid pandemic back then. This year, something happened, it went sour. One thing is for sure, this is a two-day event. Go the first day! That is when you see the most teams, because that is when the whole lineup is there. Teams get knocked out on the first day, so all you see are the survivors, and there were very few. Plus, the costumes were...just not there. It is not the same as it was in the glory days 12 years ago. Something happened.

San Luis Rey with Portra 160 and Minolta Autocord (pt. 2)

What the title says. 

San Luis Rey with Portra 160 and Minolta Autocord (pt. 1)

More photos from the summer of 2022. I was using Portra 160, and I don't like how garish the colors look. It may be that I have not calibrated the Epson V600 scanner correctly to this Mac computer. The colors, though, look awful.

Chino Band event in 1991 with Canon T70

More memories from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. The Chino Band Review in 1991. Taken with the Canon T70 and a 200mm lens. On film, of course! No digital back then.

BAPS Temple with HP5+ with Fuji GW690ii in summer of 2022 (pt. 2)

From the same roll taken at the BAPS Hindu Temple in Chino Hills, CA. I don't recall if I used a red 25A filter. If I did, looking at these photos, it didn't make much of a difference, but that just could be due to the fact that I might have overdeveloped. I set it for 9 minutes of developing in D76. Plus, I had a really hard time getting the rolls loaded on the reels.