Monday, August 22, 2022

HP5+ with new Holga 120 Pan camera at Fullerton Arboretum

Didn't do much of anything today except prepare materials for classes, waste time on social media, edit some dance photos and write. I guess I did do something.

These are photos from the Holga 120 Pan that I ordered last week. This is the 2022 edition of the camera, not the old camera that I purchased years ago. These were taken on Saturday, August 20th, at the Fullerton Arboretum. As you can see, Houston, we have a problem. I think the fogging/overexposure is due to winding to the next frame too slowly. I can barely see the frame numbers on the backing paper, and I need to hold it up to the strong sunlight. I was also winding slowly because I was counting clicks on the winding knob. 

Today I was going to test out my theories by going somewhere with a new roll in the same camera. I didn't do squat. I worked at home, that is what I did. Maybe tomorrow.

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