Saturday, August 20, 2022

First trip to Catalina Island with Holga 120 pan and Ilford HP5+

 After a year-long break, during which many things that will go unaccounted for occurred, it is time to return to this blog. I will be switching from this one to my other blog every year, if I am able. 

First, it was my birthday recently. I had never been to Catalina Island, so I decided to venture out. I took the Catalina Express in Long Beach, located close to the Aquarium of the Pacific. Parking costs $22, so be wary. The trip costs $70-80, depending on your age. During the summer, I have been told that the seats are (almost) sold out. However, an attendant/cleaner recommended that next time, I board at the San Pedro station. The trip lasts a little over one hour. The boat is very comfortable, and there were very few passengers on the 2 p.m. trip. This was not the case for the 12:00 p.m. trip, which I missed out on because it was full. Note to the wise, do not book a seat on the upper deck. Not only is it more expensive ($20), but when the evening arrives, since you are exposed to the open air, you will be extremely cold. I saw many miserable people there who did everything they could to cover up, using towels, sweatshirts, their purses, etc. It was miserable. I had a little better time, since I was towards the front section and I had the side decking to shield me. But, avoid that, or else, be prepared with a jacket, even in the middle of a torrid mercury-busting heatwave such as the one we have been having in southern California these past two months, where we are averaging close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit each day. When you come back in the evening and you are exposed on the upper deck, and it is after 6:30 p.m., you will be miserable.

Here are a few photos I took with my Holga 120 Pan. 

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