Saturday, July 1, 2023

CA Train Museum in May of 2023 with Minolta Autocord (pt. 1)

A perennial favorite location of mine, the Southern California Railway Museum in Perris, CA. I must have taken these photos in May of 2023, shortly before my surgery. I seem to recall it must have been on the Cinco de Mayo weekend, because I think that my sister's Anglo boyfriend was visiting from Pennsylvania for the entire week and I wanted to make myself "scare", so I was spending long days going to different places. It was not something I enjoyed, but the photos I like, even though they are filled with spots and little marks that I have to take out.

There was a truck show at that location on that day, as I recall. I think I arrived at 4:00 p.m., when the show was over and the trucks were leaving. It was virtually empty by then. I was left alone, and the colors were beautiful. With any luck, I should be receiving a roll of slides from this location soon.

As always, I am so impressed with my Minolta Autocord TLR. It really is my sharpest lens.

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