Saturday, July 1, 2023

San Bernardino Bridge in early Spring of 2023 with Autocord.

This photos were taken with my Minolta Autocord on a fateful, first-time trip to a bridge out in the middle of nowhere. Well, it is not so unlocatable as that. It is a bridge out in the San Bernardino area, but I forget the name. A photographer by the name of Mario, who is active on social media, arranges photos shoots from time to time for people and he invites them to different locations. This was a place I had not visited, and I was bored, and I was hoping to be able to photograph models, so I went. It must have been in April or May of 2023.

It was not that long a drive, maybe one hour. It was desolate, though. I didn't end up taking any photos of the models that showed up, they were not attractive to me, but I decided to make the best of what I had and take landscape (and architectural) photos. The river was very full, with a powerful stream running over the rocks. The signs indicate that normally it is dryer than a bone out here, so the presence of water is only temporary, and the intensity was due to the very wet winter we had in southern California.

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