Friday, July 7, 2023

So. Calif. Rail Museum with Minolta Autocord and Kodak 200 in Cinco de Mayo (pt. 2)

 From the long-ago song by Paul McCartney, "Listen to what the man said":

Oh yes, indeed we know

That people will find a way to go

No matter what the man said

And love is fine for all we know

For all we know, our love will grow

That's what the man said

So won't you listen to what the man said

He said

Ah, take it away

I don't know what it has to do in particular with this post, only that I am looking for something, but don't believe the man who says that I will find it. No, love isn't just waiting there to be plucked from the vine. By love, I mean, a passion, a creative outlet, a subject or metier or outlook that will revive my creative side and enable me to produce. So, I have these unsatisfying photos to offer instead. 

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