Sunday, August 16, 2020

Another heatwave

 Pues ya casi es mi "birdéi", as Spanish-speakers pronounce it. I am writing this at 7:44 p.m. on a Sunday evening as the light is falling outside, and a little after midnight, it will be my birthday. I was born on a stormy Sunday night long, long ago, in another country. I am feeling my age.

I didn't do much today except for go out for a walk in the morning. I took my usual route along the dirty riverbed, and it was hot but bearable. Later on in the afternoon, after I had returned, it became unbearable. Temperatures were supposed to have reached 100 degrees today, and they will be closer to 110 degrees during the next few days. We have an "excessive heat warning" for this period.

We didn't do much at home. I slept more than I should have, and am feeling sleepy right now. Maybe it is the heat, maybe it is the exhaustion provoked by diabetes and uncontrolled sugar levels, maybe it is Covid, I don't know. I have always felt this way, though. I think it is depression.

Tomorrow if I can will myself to do it, I am going to hike Mt. Islip ("eye-slip"), a trail on the San Gabriel mountains. It is not very far away, and I have to do something for my birthday. I want to take my 4x5 camera and also my panoramic Holga. I would also have loved to take my Fuji GW690ii, but no, that camera is an anchor that will break my back. I have enough for now. 

Here are the maps:

The trail I plan to take goes from Islip Saddle to Mt. Williamson. It should be a 7.4 mile roundtrip. I think I can handle that, given my walks up to this point. Besides, I am not staying at home again, not tomorrow. I have to do something.

That is it. Not much progress today, not much work. I start teaching my classes later on this week. Another semester is dawning, and it is somewhat frightening. Last year, I was looking forward to it because I desperately, desperately needed to get my mind off my grief. Now, I just want to get it over with, because I have a long way still until I reach retirement age. If I reach it, because during a pandemic, and with my health being what it is, nothing is assured.

Here is a photo I took with my Travelwide 4x5 camera a few weeks ago of the hills around UCR, when I visited the botanic garden:

I hope to have more spectacular views tomorrow, with big mountain trees and views. Maybe a few clouds, but I will just want to relish the adventure of a new place as I try to go to Islip Saddle.

Until tomorrow. This was a quick entry. Happy birthday to me.

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