Monday, August 24, 2020

Long days

 Another Monday, it isn't over yet, but it was long. These days, it is difficult to plan on doing anything outside the house. It is 16 hours of unbearable heat outside, then 8 hours of smothering heat at night. The good thing at least is that we can stay inside if we have to, which, we do.

Went out and walked, had been planning on a trip to photography something, but no, not today. I did an hour of yard work too. Then, looked at lawn mowers. I know which one we will order, but for now, I am making one last try with the one we have. I put in some engine oil, it needed it, but I think I might have put in too much. Didn't try to use it, it is far too hot outside, but maybe by 7 p.m. (I am writing at 4:23 p.m.) it might be bearable.

Here is the scan of the negative taken with the Catlabs 80 film. I scanned it this morning after I woke up.

I can't explain the yellow cast (it does look yellow). Maybe I left it too long in the developer? I did try to leave it longer, 30 minutes, because I knew it was the Catlabs film and it gives me such thin negatives. I did slosh it around for the first few minutes, but then left it lying in the try in the bathroom for the next 30 minutes. I hear so much about "stand developing", which to my understanding, means to not agitate the film container when you are developing, but to prolong exposure in the chemicals for up to one hour. I don't know why they do that. Maybe because they want to bring down the highlights?

Still, it didn't work. I inverted the image crudely and I remember taking that photo. It is of the plants in the front of the house. I must have left it for a good 30 to 40 seconds. Not good.

It is totally inadequate. It makes me want to give up completely with the Catlabs film, but not throw it out, no, it was too expensive for that. It cost $100 for 25 sheets, so it is $4 per sheet. Other photographers swear it works, so it must be the camera or my developer. Same with the box of Arista 400 4x5 film I have, it gave me thin negatives too, so I suspect the chemicals. That film is $54 per box of 50 sheets. 

I received the Optar 135 lens today. The one problem I am noticing is that it has a marking for 1/400 for shutter speed, but I can't turn the ring to get that speed, it seems to stop at 1/200. But the slow speeds seem perfect. The other Optar I had had big problems at lower speeds, it would stay open. That one is the one I installed in the Kraken camera I received from the designer. I still have not used that 6x12 camera, but there is no hurry. I want to try out the new Optar I received today, but it is blazing hot outside. Maybe in the next few hours, when I try out the lawn mower too.

So much to do, but today was a break-from-school day. Nothing doing today. I have a perpetual headache from not sleeping well. The sleep apnea is really not doing me well. 

Maybe I'll have one more entry today, but probably not. Classes resume tomorrow.

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