Wednesday, August 12, 2020


 Nothing to report today, and I would have gone to bed without logging into this site and writing this entry except for the fact that I want to maintain continuity. 

It was a normal day, supposedly in the 90s but I didn't check. It wasn't too uncomfortable. I didn't take any photos and I didn't develop any either. I also didn't go out at all, except to complete some yard work during mid morning.

Today was day 2 of online learning for my nieces. I think they will quickly grow tired of it. The little one is still excited, but her online sessions only last for about an hour. I don't know what my other niece thinks of this arrangement. I think she spent more time logged in.

I took a long nap at noon, which was highly unusual. Then, I worked on class matters.

So, nothing to report. I guess I will post a few items from before. Here are what I am pretty sure are photos taken with my Holga camera. I was using slide film, probably either Velvia or Provia. I am thinking maybe they were taken with 400 ISO film (which would rule out Velvia), since they are over-exposed. They are of my campus, and the one after this series, a double exposure that include a scene from Olvera Street.

(The photo above is of the Japanese garden, a feature of my campus. Many people think so and they come and stand around, so you won't find solitude, but it is still beautiful.)

(The photo above is from another vantage point, featuring two attractions of my campus. I have to admit, I had to edit these photos.)

(A quiet moment on campus. I was probably walking home after finishing my teaching, because when else would I be walking on this field headed towards the parking lot?)

(Above, the flower garden with concentric rings. A place for many photos, but somehow, because parking is restricted, it isn't overrun yet by wedding or quince photographers.)

(Above, walking on campus next to Building 9. When we I see students in person again? Probably not until 2021.)

(Above, look at the leaves on the ground. It makes me believe this was taken during late fall or mid winter. It seems to have been pledge week, but I don't remember seeing so many leaves in September.)

(Above, a double exposure, the daylight scene is of a museum located at Olvera Street in downtown Los Angeles, and the background nighttime scene, from what I can tell, is of the library on campus lit up with internal lighting. The merchants of Olvera Street must be receiving some sort of financial aid from the city because they have been closed down these past few months. They are a very vocal group and if they did not receive aid, they would be complaining very loudly on social media and probably opening up. Instead, they post wistful photos of their lane closed down. They must be getting paid off very handsomely.)

That is it, I don't want to post any more today. Tomorrow, I think I will try to go to the UCR Botanic Garden again. We'll see.

Buenas noches.

It seems like another world, one we won't be returning to for a while. Young people so carefree, circulating on campus, so many leaves that it leads me to believe it was either late fall or the middle of winter. 

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