A few days ago I won an Ebay auction for expired film. I had had such a good experience with the old box of Arista 200 4x5 film that I discovered about two weeks ago that I wanted to explore buying expired film, to get that same look. I found an auction for an unopened box and submitted my bids and won. Someone else beat to me other boxes that were being sold by the same seller, but I have my Ektopan, expired in October of 1994, when I was in my first semester of graduate studies up in the Bay Area at the university that will remain nameless.
Today, Saturday, a day of extreme (the announcement calls it excessive) heat when we reached about 110 degree Fahrenheit, I went for a walk during the morning hours with a few film holders loaded with the Ebay film I bought. I walked around the city streets, along Grand and also 6th street. I thought I would have no difficulty taking 6 shots, but no, alas, only three, with one ruined by a faulty cable release.
At home, I developed the negatives, thinking I would get a look similar to the old Arista film I had been using, the super-grainy vintage look filled with fireflies. No, it was not, the Kodak film was older, but it held up better! It must have been better stored or else, was made of better materials to begin with. On the one hand I am disappointed that I don't have a store of film to give me the super-grainy look of Arista, but on the other hand, I have what looks to be a wonderful film that gives quality results. Here are the three negatives from today. As always, they were taken with my Travelwide 4x5 camera with a red filter on the Super Angulon 90mm lens.

I walked by the metro station and was in luck, a train was arriving! I knew I had to take this shot even though it was not the best composition. I took it just as the engine was reaching my vantage point on the bridge over the tracks. Look at the clarity and the smooth tones! No graininess here. This is a quality film that performs well 25 years after it expired.
From that same vantage point on the bridge over the tracks at the metro station, I aimed the camera at the intersection of Main Street and Grand. Look at the tonality and the smoothness! Wow. The clouds really stand out with the red filter I was using. Once again, I am really impressed by this expired film. It will not give me the antiquated look I wanted, but it is a superb film.
I kept walking and walking along Grand Avenue, dodging homeless people who walked by or rode bicycles. There was nothing to photograph, and in some cases, such as when I walked by the Bank of America, there was a whole crowd of people waiting to either enter and speak to a teller or use an ATM. I dodged them and continued walking, and it was getting very hot at 10 in the morning. I had to end up at St. Edward's Church, where I took this photo.
Well, that is it. The verdict is that this is an excellent film but it will not give me the antiquated look I was hoping to obtain and was getting with the expired box of Arista 200. I guess I will have to buy some new Arista and keep the box in the extreme heat of my car for a few weeks to see if it will deteriorate enough to get me the look I want. I hope so. The Ektapan is wonderful, and I really got a deal. The box contained 100 sheets, and I won the bid with $47. Wow.
Next project, to go back to taking photos with 8x10 black and white film, but this time, using fresh Arista 200 film and not the Chinese made Catlabs film. I hope I will get adequate exposures now. Also, I want to develop 4x5 (or 35mm) color film in black and white chemicals. I understand it can be done.
That is it for now. Tomorrow, more heat, and the day after, and the day after. Such are the days around my birthday when the heat peaks perversely.
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