Friday, August 7, 2020

Photography Friday

It was a quite day with milder temperatures than we are used to seeing in August. Usually we have searing heat that makes flinch at the thought of venturing outside, but today, I wanted to go out. Since Covid hit us I rarely do anything, and I am tired of this. 

On social media it was announced that Freestyle was getting a shipment of Ferrania film. This is a high silver content black and white film in 35mm format, resuscitated by a company in Italy that put out a Kickstarter campaign to provide another film but couldn't, so they provided this one. I wasn't part of that campaign, but I have been hearing a buzz about this film and the high contrast and ultra-smooth (i.e. very, very low grain) look, and most importantly, I needed an excuse to get out, so I leaped at it. I drove out to Santa Fe Springs, CA, and this time, I didn't get lost looking for the distribution center.

It was a mild day today, one where people felt comfortable going out. I bought my five rolls of film and a mini-tripod then headed to Heritage Park, just half a block away from Freestyle. I always liked this park, although I haven't been there in over ten years. It used to be used for photo gatherings that I was attending about 15 years ago.

Here are a few photos that I took with my cellphone:

These are all low-resolution photos I downloaded from my phone, but I like them. The quality of the phones is much better than from my previous ones. I lost my old cellphone a few weeks ago because I foolishly panicked and wiped it with a moist towel because I thought I had touched surfaces that were touched by too many other people at a public place, and in my Covid state of continual fear, thought I should wipe it down. Instead, the fried the circuits and had to buy this one.

I remember this park from years and years ago. I used to belong to a photo club and I would attend events here. It was a very wholesome park, by which I mean, a park that is well-cared for, has a variety of features, and is situated in a middle-class area. No homeless people here, they would not allow it, and there are beautiful flowers and displays as well as structures throughout the park. My model photos from long ago were not distinguished, but the park was always the real star.

It was great to be here today, and I could see small groups of people circulating as they walked around the path in what is evidently an exercise routine. There were others who were sitting at benches eating. Some wore masks, a few did not. I felt fine, and never took off my mask.

There will be great residual fear that will persist once the Covid episode is over. Who know, it might never be over and this might be the new normal, living with a constantly mutating virus that kills thousands of people of year and is deadlier than the flu. So far, we have over 9,000 deaths in California, and over 160,000 in the USA. All in the space of about five months, it has wrecked havoc and continues to do so. It will leave a strong psychological imprint in all of us such that we may never feel comfortable gathering in large groups again. I certainly don't, and move away from anyone I see approaching me, even if they are wearing a mask. 

This weekend it is supposed to be warmer. I hope to go out and do something, anything, just get out and do something. It has been a long, long, long times since I have been to a beach, but I really am afraid to do so since I know that too many other people can't resist the urge to visit, especially during the weekends. I would like to go to San Luis Rey, however.

I've been scanning many photos from past years. It has been a good three decades of accumulating images. I'm reeling in the years (Steely Dan) and reeling in the images. I don't want to scan any longer, though. The new academic term is rushing headlong towards me and I'll have to return to work in a week and a half. 

It certainly looks as if we will not have any events for the rest of the year. We used to have a schedule of weekly events, and I would have my fill of opportunities to take photos. Now, though, we have had a dearth for the past five months, everything has been cancelled and has been changed to virtual, which is no substitute for the real thing. And it will probably be that way through the end of this year.

While out on my excursion today I also took some photos with my 4x5 Travelwide as well as with my 8x10 pinhole. I developed them just two hours ago. The 4x5 black and white negatives look wonderful, the 8x10 is thin, once again. My pinhole camera is giving me problems, or else, my choice of (cheap) film. I will keep on trying, though. Right now, as I type this, my negatives are drying in the bathroom.

That should be it for today. If I were to say I always thinks of my dad and feel sadness, I would only be saying the obvious. I feel sad when I think of my brother too. I wish I had not fought with him.

Time to conclude. I will upload a Lumen print from yesterday. Buenas noches, Daddy.


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