Tuesday, August 25, 2020

In Da House

 So, I made it. It was frustrating as heck, but I made it to the Norco Power House. I had some time this morning, so I was determined to go.

This location is pretty nearby, and it should have taken 15 minutes, but when you are new to a location, of course there are problems. The online map is confusing, it shows a street where there is no street, next to the nursery. It was frustrating, and I didn't know where to pull in. I pulled out my cellphone and was using a direction finder, with a female electronic voice giving me the GPS instructions, but I just could not find it. I even went down the gravelly road next to the nursery, and one of the Hispanic workers clued me in to the directions. He told me the house was just on the other side, but I could not be on the road where I was. I needed to leave and go to the next street over, but I had been on that street, and from what I could see, there was no access to the other side of the hill. It was a neighborhood that I imaged was a maga holdout, with Trump supporters who I feared would rush out and stone me if I parked on their street. But after circling over and over and over, and not giving up when I wanted to, I found the horse trail where I could walk and access the location. It took me a damn hour.

Well, I walked, and it was not 0.8 miles, it was less. Maybe 0.8 miles round trip, but not one way. I made it and found a beautiful little place. The vista, if you subtract the overhead power lines, was beautiful. 

I was taking my Travelwide camera and my Holga. I used the Travelwide, not the other one. 

Here are the black and white frames I took: 

Inside the Power House. It was colorful, and I did take some slide photos with Fuji Velvia 100, but I doubt they will be acceptable. I exposed at f16 at 1 second, pure guessing on my part, and after seeing the f16 at 1 second photos I took in black and white (another 100 ISO film), they were very thick (i.e. overexposed). So, I am sure my slides will not be good, but I still want to see them. 

I couldn't resist this shot. It almost looks infrared to me. I was using my red filter. Still, it should not have this effect.

This was my parting shot. I had to walk down a little, but it is steep. I cold not risk it any more than I had. It was scary, and I was trying to prop myself with my tripod that I opened up and tried to use as a walking stick. No such luck, it gave me no support. 

This, this, this is the shot I loved! My favorite. I took it in slide film as well. I think it will work outdoors, because outdoors I was using sunny sixteen, and I know that rule works. It was hot and very bright outside.

An interior shot at 1 second in black and white. It came out, but of course, black and white has more exposure latitude.

I took this in slide film as well. Can't wait to see it. I had to lift the shadows in black and white, so my original slide is more contrasty. 

That was my morning in Norco. Mission accomplished, but at what cost. But the thing is, life is short, I know and feel that wisdom now, and we can blink out of existence at any moment. We have to do these things, we have to. I liked these photos, and still have four more, my slide photos, to have developed.

Tomorrow, I have a little time before I have to lecture. I might try hiking in a new spot in the morning, maybe in a spot just outside of the city of Corona. I will of course take my camera, I have already loaded my holders with film once again after removing the exposed film.

With regards to other matters, today's class went well. Now if only I can keep it up for 14 more weeks. 

Good night. It is 10:07 p.m. I just developed an Arista sheet of 8x10 black and white, taken at the UCR botanic garden last Friday. Pure disaster, almost half the frame is ruined by a light leak. I suspect the cheap holder I bought for $25 two weeks ago. I need to invest in better equipment.

Good night. Redux.

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