Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Autocord Images at Exposition Park (May 30th)

 And finally, a few images taken with the Minolta Autocord TLR at Exposition Park in downtown Los Angeles on Sunday, May 30th. Some of them are not my best images, but I will include them nonetheless.

What was I thinking with this image, what was I thinking? All I was thinking, I fear, was that I needed to take a grand vista shot, but it was all wrong for the square format. I knew it then, I confirm it now.

La raza, these are either wedding or quinceañera photos. She looks too young for it to be a wedding.

A model of a passenger airline, located next to the California African-American museum. 

This photo would have looked so much better in color. However, even in monochrome I can appreciate the sharpness.

The science museum, right next to Memorial Colosseum. 

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