Friday, June 25, 2021

Santa Monica Pier in 6x17 with Portra 400

 I received a batch of rolls that I had sent in to the lab on Monday. That was quick. These are 6x17 images, taken with my Kraken 617. Overall, even though they are flat because of the gloomy day, I am very pleased with them. As I wrote to a friend, I think using this camera permits me to work "incognito". People don't really register that this is a camera, it does not look like a regular camera, much less a cellphone. They might think these are googles (the apparatus through we we look) and that I am playing an electronic game immersed in reality, like the Find Pokemon game craze that we experiences for a brief time a few years ago. (I don't play electronic games.) The people don't even register that I am taking photos. That might be a good (or bad) thing. 

Here are a few posts, fresh off the "comal". This is, once again, Portra 400, and these are, once again, low res screen grabs. These are from my trip to Santa Monica pier on June 19th.

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