Monday, June 7, 2021

The Perris Rail Museum (again) -- pt. 1

 I wasn't feeling up to going anywhere after the long, long day at UCLA yesterday. I stayed home, and it was gloomy for most of the time, until about 1:30 p.m. when we had tentative sunlight filtering through. Before that, though, it was gloomy and cold. I walked, at least I did that, around Grand Boulevard, but most of the time, I just squandered my free time on social media. I really have to put a limit to my online activity. 

In the afternoon, to get over my worry that the post office might have lost my film package that I turned in this morning at 11 a.m. (it is not appearing at USPS tracking), I decided to develop some film. These were shots taken at the Perris Rail museum at the end of May, after I had turned in grades. As I recall, I exposed seven shots total, six black and white with Foma 200 film and one slide sheet. I was hopeful that my problems with light leaks had been solved, and for the most part, after I tracked down the leak that had to do with my faulty taping over of the crack in my camera (the light filters through black electrical tape), I think I have.

Here is one image. It is a terrible composition, I don't know what motivated me to take this shot, other than the feeling of urgency that I had to expose some sheets. Once again, these are screen shots.

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