Sunday, June 13, 2021

On the USS Midway (June 12th)

 A few 6x17 images taken on Saturday, June 12th, 2021, from my trip to San Diego. I went first to the harbor to photograph the Star of India sailboat, but didn't want to pay to go inside. (I've been there once before, about twenty years ago). Then, I went to the USS Midway Museum and went inside, where I took these photos, using Ilford HP5+ and the Kraken 6x17 camera. I exposed at f22, 1/125 of a second, with a red 25A filter, and it was about 11 a.m. Then, once I arrived home, I calculated that I needed to push by one stop, so I developed for 12 minutes. These are screen grabs since Blogger will not let me upload the scans in their original size.

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