Saturday, June 19, 2021

There and Back Again by Bilbo Baggins (a reprise)

 Eventually, I started the walk to Venice Beach. The pickings for 6x17 compositions were slim on the pier, even though there were a good amount of people. It was just the absence of light, it creates a dulling effect not only for the compositions but for the mood of the people. But it was past twelve and almost 1 p.m., and light a bad guest, the gloom refused to go away, so I gave up and started my walk to Venice. 

And what a dramatic difference it was when I left the official border of Santa Monica Beach and entered the no-mans territory of Venice Beach! It was as if I had entered a war zone, and in a sense, it is. The war is the social and economic war being waged against the poor and those with mental illnesses. 

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