Saturday, June 5, 2021

Shoreline Drive in Long Beach, CA, with the 6x17 Kraken

 Today was a quiet day. I was exhausted from my trip to the Huntington Library and Gardens yesterday (Friday, June 4th), and even though I had wanted to go this morning to visit the Fullerton Train Station, which is only open on two Saturdays per month, I just couldn't go. I was tired, and I didn't want to drive. Plus, I checked online, and there was a major traffic slowdown on the 91 freeway. I will not submit myself to that, so I stayed home, fiddled on the computer and napped. Plus went shopping for some food.

It was getting hot again today. It felt warm, but I didn't turn on the AC. It was bearable, but go outside and the heat hits you. It isn't August heat yet, but it was hot. It was also very quiet. This is the weekend after Memorial Day, and so, maybe the rest of the community was exhausted too after their Memorial Day trips. 

I went ahead at the last minute and decided to process some 120 rolls. I only do black and white, I have to send out color and slide film to the lab. It was fine, loading up the reels is now somewhat easy, and developing is repetitious and boring, but I can ameliorate that by watching grainydays videos. The satiric effect of that narration and the nonstop jokes, but a tidbit of valid photographic information and a story arc, are amusing. I am sure that Jason would love to hear that: "amusing". I am echoing his acerbic delivery, and mimicking the superior and dismissive tone that he adopts as well for his persona.

Here are a few images from my trip over a month ago to Shoreline Drive, the area next to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. As I recall, I went after a trip to the Korean Friendship Bell in San Pedro, and I was exhausted by then. I am not up to long, extended trips. I can handle maybe one outing, but when I try to combine it with more, even at a reasonably nearby location, I am exhausted and the fun wanes. I was using the 3D printed Kraken again.

These are screen grabs, so they are not full resolution. The edges are vignetted again. I will have to accept that, as Shawn said in a message, maybe the use of a filter cuts down the amount of light that reaches the film plane on the edges. 

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