Thursday, June 17, 2021

San Clemente Beach

 And this was my final destination, about a quarter mile north from the cove. I went into the parking lot for the first time and, yes, as they say, "Boy Howdy!", the parking charge was high. I had to pay $5.85 for one hour of parking. The family before me had a parking fee of over $21 for what I presume were four hours, and they did the rock-paper-sciscors to decide if the husband or wife would insert their credit card. 

There were quite a few folks out here, but the gloom was still in force. There was also construction going on, I think they are fixing a path on one side, so they had trucks and a big crane. I went up the jagged rocks where I usually see photographers photographing bikini models, but no such luck today. All I saw were what seemed to be working-class families and a life guard station. I think that little cove is where the working-class Latinos like to hang out. Many people wearing Dodger Blue as they walked over the rocks to go down into that cove.

I went to the south part and took photos of the beach crowd. The gloom spoiled everything, but on the plus side, it validated my decision not to take my 8x10 camera. I took a few photos then, after less than half an hour, left the lot. I didn't even use up my hour of time.

Here are a few cellphone photos:

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