Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The California Botanic Garden in 8x10

 A few months ago I rallied my flagging strength (and enthusiasm) and took my 8x10 Willtravel camera to this botanic garden. I was hoping for some dramatic images, and I figured, the desert garden would be a prime location, since the peaks of the San Gabriel mountains are in the background. This is one image, I filed it away in my "Exposed Film" box where it has lain dormant for the past few months, along with about 10 other negatives, but today, as long as I was developing 120 rolls, I decided to do double duty and develop two 8x10 sheets. It would give me something to take my mind off the sadness of today's anniversary. In 2019, my dad was in the hospital in Orange County, and he was dying. He was not responsive that morning, Sunday morning, but we still help up hope. He kept on moving his mouth, but he could not look at us, it was as if he were in a dream. And by Sunday night, the fateful call, my dad was not responding and "Anything could happen", which are code-words for, "He is dying".

Here is the image, though. I don't want to relive that experience.

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