Friday, June 18, 2021

More 6x17 from UCLA

 Here are a few more 6x17 photos taken on June 6, 2021. I scanned them today.

The view from the quad area towards Drake Stadium. To the left, way, way in the back, you can see Dykstra Hall, the dormitory where I lived during my undergraduate days. I had to wait some time to get this clear shot, the UCLA grads were busy posing in this area, and then, the parents would take their own photos.

Majestic Royce Hall. I have to remember, when framing with the Kraken 6x17, to aim it a little lower. I keep on cutting off the lower portion of the images, but I was more worried that I might cut off the upper part with the towers.

This is a somewhat awkward composition, I admit. I was on the slope looking up at the general complex of buildings around Royce Hall. I still like this photo, but it feels as if I am falling down.

This is my favorite shot, Bruin Walk. The building in the back is Kirchoff Hall. I never entered the building, but I think that was where the office for the Bruin newspaper was located. I wanted to be a writer, so that would have held special appeal to me. 

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