Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Back to Descanso

 Well, today it was not supposed to be very hot. I checked, we were supposed to have some clouds and also milder summer temperatures. But it ended up getting to over 90 degrees Fahrenheit again.

I wanted to go out to Descanso Gardens again because I want to complete taking photos for my book. I have prepared books so far for several of the gardens I have been visiting during the year of the pandemic. I have books ready for the LA Arboretum, for the California Botanic Garden, for the South Coast Botanic Garden and for the Huntington Library and Gardens. I wanted to complete this book, but I needed more digital photos. So, I decided yesterday to go.

I left at about 9:45 a.m., and surprisingly, the first part of the drive wasn't too bad. Where I ran into trouble is in the part where I was supposed to follow the 210 freeway north, but instead took the 134 west. Of course I saw what looked like strange city landscapes, where I am instead supposed to see the Angeles Crest mountains looming, so I got off and looked for directions. It took me longer to arrive, and even longer because the restaurant where I stop to get food before entering the garden was frozen, the line of cars was not moving, and I backed out. I had to buy an expensive lunch at Descanso, over $18 for a very modest half slice of a turkey sandwich and some fruit slices with peanut butter. 

It was somewhat mild, but one could very quickly grow dehydrated. I was using my Nikon D750 and not having a good time. I don't like taking photos with that camera, it just reminds me of drudgery. Still, I needed 50 photos to complete my book, which turns out to at least 150 photos, because not every photo is a winner. I ended up taking 200, and even so, would not have been able to complete my book because so many were just variations of the same scene, unless I has used a few film photos. 

It was hot but bearable. I remember thinking I wish I had worn shorts, the jeans were just suffocating. There were few people, not like the gardens in the spring when it was still chilly but we were seeing the first growth of flowers. The light was very unflattering, very harsh, because there were clouds, but not of them softened the light, they were like a shawl on the mountains, nowhere near the sun. It was thus, infernally bright.

As I walked around, I couldn't help thinking that it was not as colorful as in the spring. Yes, there were plenty of flowers in bloom, but many were not. Summer is not the most flattering season for the gardens. I walked around and managed to take my photos. I also took my Instax Wide camera, and four packs of film, thinking I would go wild, but no, I only ended up taking 6 Instax photos. I had to finish my pack of black and white, and for that, I feel it really only works for interesting buildings or for wide shots where the sky is darkened. The good thing is, with this camera and film, I don't need to use a yellow or red filter, it darkens the sky already. But I could only compose 6 photos.

In the end, I walked around and visited the same places. I think I am getting tired of the gardens. I want to do different things, without having to return to dance photography. So, I circled round, and I ended up where I knew I would end up, in the Japanese Garden. The light was not flattering, and I didn't even take any Instax photos there. I did take my digital photos, but it was not out of inspiration, it was out of a sense of duty. I got the photos I needed.

Here are my black and white Instax Wide photos. I scanned them at 1200 dpi today. I didn't even finish that roll, it was that uninspiring. I need a change. Don't get me wrong, I love the garden, but 6 visits in one year and I think I need a change.

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