Friday, July 23, 2021

Evergreen Memorial Park next to Mt. Rubidoux

 A few months ago, I don't know how many but it was most certainly within the past 7 months, because I have only been using my 8x10 camera since November of last year, and it was broken after the initial few exposures and not mended until 2021, I went to a cemetery that is located at the foot of Mt. Rubidoux. I have gone here to take photos in the past, the first time being maybe 20 years ago. This is also a good vantage point to see the fireworks off the mountain, although I haven't done that in several years. Well, earlier this year, I went to take a few 8x10 photos. This is one of them. I developed and scanned it today. The scan is crude, an office scan, but that is the only way I have to scan them. I think I will try to get a cyanotype print from it in the next few days.

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