Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Back to UCLA

 A few more photos, taken with my Canon T-90 with a roll of expired Fuji Superia 400 when these rolls were on special at Freestyle. I must have bought a good 20-30 rolls about 10 years ago, I have had them that long. The thing is, not only are they expired and, as such, manifest color shifts (they are magenta), they are also rolls of 24 exposures, too short to be worth sending off to get processed at the Darkroom where they charge $8 per roll to develop them. I want to hold on to them, though, because I already purchased them and need to use them somehow. Maybe I will expose and then develop in black and white chemicals. I do not know how to develop color at home, nor do I want to buy new equipment (such as temperature control modules to increase the temperature of chemicals) to do so. 

Here are my UCLA photos, grainy as hell. 

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