Saturday, July 31, 2021

Out with July, in with August

 Today was the last day of July. I didn't go out and do anything. I was planning on doing so, but no, not in heatwave conditions. It felt just unbearable going outside, much better to stay inside in the air conditioned comforts of home. So there went my trip to see the celebration of Peruvian independence at Balboa Park. 

Tomorrow may be a different story. The heat will still be here, but I don't want to stay inside for several days in a row. I want to go out to a cooler place, so that means, go west young man, go west. So, maybe Los Angeles, or maybe north San Diego county. Better to stay closer, so it looks like Los Angeles in the mid 80s.

In a few days I will hit the one year anniversary of having restarted this blog. I had initiated it several years ago, but then stopped. It was too much trouble to post thousands of digital photos on Facebook and then post analog photos here. But with the pandemic came a shift, or a "pivot", and I went from digital to film. Now, I don't even enjoy digital, what gives me the thrill of creativity is film photography. So why fight it? It was time for a change. And it might be time to move on because I don't like the name in the URL for this page, but don't know how to change it. So, I might just move on to another blog that I will start with another account.

Well, that is it for now. I'll post a few more images to round out the month of July. 

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