Saturday, July 31, 2021

Lowriders seen with a Holga camera

 And here are some scans of Holga negatives of the lowriders I saw in Montebello a week ago. These negatives came out nicely, but the Holgas images I took on another roll were severely overexposed. The two rolls were developed in the same tank, and they were the same film, Foma 200. I wonder what could have happened? The reason I ask is that we have no control over exposure, the shutter speed is fixed at 1/100 th of a second (unless you use bulb, which I didn't), and the aperture is the same, about f11 (we can't change it). The conditions were different, it was very hot and sunny in Montebello, and gloomy at Manhattan Beach, so if any negatives should have been overexposed, it should have been the sunny ones because they received so much more light, but it was the reverse. Hmmm.

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