Friday, April 23, 2021

Carlosbad Flower Fields in Black and White with the Autocord

Here are a few images I took with the Minolta Autocord TLR when I was finishing up my roll. It was a roll of Foma 200, and I had exposed the first nine or so images at Redondo Beach a week prior. I had to finish off the roll, and yes, I would have preferred if it was a roll of color film, but it was Foma 200. Also, the camera has become fiddly with the aperture lever. It wiggles and moves on its own, he lubricated it too much, methinks, and now, for each exposure I take, I have to first double check the aperture level to see that it is on the value, usually f16, that I want to use. Which is not a bad habit.

P.S. After unloading this roll, I tried to load another roll but my camera is on the fritz. It will not reset to allow me to load a new roll. This happened on Thursday, April 22, when I developed this roll before going to teach my Zoom classes. I am not going to get upset. I am not.

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