Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Three from Newport Beach, CA

 Well, today is Wednesday, and I don't zoom on this day. I thought I would get away, but it just didn't seem right. I feel it is too much pressure to have to be planning trips every two days, and besides, the destinations I was considering didn't make me feel excited. Yes, there are gardens with magnificent spring blooms, but I've been there over and over and over again, and I just don't want to go. I am waiting for my 6x17 camera, in any case, the one that cost me over $700, and is supposed to arrive on Friday. I want to visit the gardens with that camera, so see if the aspect ratio will allow me to see things in a new way.

So, I didn't go out. I walked around the civic center with my Minolta Autocord and took half a dozen photos, but I didn't even finish the roll. There were minimal clouds today, but it was not hot. It still feels like early spring, and at night, it does feel chilly.

Well, at home, I decided to develop some film. I took six exposures from my trip to the Newport Beach estuary on Friday, March 26th. It was a quick walk that day, and I wanted to see something new. The walk was pleasant enough, and I took my 4x5 Travelwide which has not been getting much use lately. I also wanted to see how the Foma 200 film performed. I bought two boxes a few weeks ago, after all, and I need to see if I will have any problems. 

I can't scan 4x5 on my scanner, the window is not big enough, so I have to choose an area of the negatives to scan. I don't choose the option of dust removal because it prolongs the scanning process to that it takes 10-15 minutes per frame, rather than half a minute. I see some white spots, it tells me I am probably having some problems with the fixer. I dumped my fixer after developing these sheets. I'll compare and see how it performs after this, but all in all, for using Foma 200 film, I think it did the job. Now, of course, I want to go back to my box of Kodak Ektapan. Maybe I'll do that when I go to Descanso Garden, to see that monumental cherry bloom that they are hyping on social media.

Here are three of my scans. The faint mountain contour in the background? I think that is famous Saddleback mountain, our own "Cerro de la Silla", to quote a famous landmark for the city of Monterrey, Mexico. But, of course, Nuevo León is in a desert hellhole, while this hill at least is near (within sight of) the ocean. But I still want to visit Monterrey desperately, hellhole or not. It is the third largest city of Mexico, with a vibrant history and economy.

Tomorrow, alas, it is back to Zooming, but I am actually looking forward to these classes. I have some things to say. Depending on how I feel, I might venture out to the Hidden Valley Reserve in the morning. I would like to walk to the river, if I can. Of course I would take photos.

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