Monday, April 5, 2021

Morning walk with Autocord (pt. 2)

 Here are a few more images from my morning walk with the Minolta Autocord TLR today.

These are the Promenade apartments (or condos?) next to the river. The lighting was, once again, not the best. You have to wait for late afternoon for that, but I am not venturing out there again as I have before, when traffic is very heavy on the adjoining street. 

This is an industrial recycling plant. They occupy a massive lot next to the railroad tracks. I saw this scene which I had never photographed before, and I took the chance and crept closer. I love the detail possible with the Autocord lens. It is a stellar performer.

As you walk on the overpass for the railroad tracks, one sees this view. The lighting is not the best, but I have photographed this scene many times before with my other cameras. 

Facing north across the street. I know, that bramble of branches doesn't really contribute to the scene. What can I say, I wanted something to break up the image. 

Again facing north, but across the street. I photographed this scene in black and white with my 4x5 camera a few weeks before my dad passed away in 2019. Now, when I stand on this spot, all I think about is finality and remorse. I should have been photographing my father, we didn't know he was about to leave us, although when I think about it, I remember that my dad hated being photographed. I thought I had more time. 

The last image on my walk. This is the tile factory. There are trees lining this street, and in the beginning weeks of spring, they still have no leaves. Nothing. It is the persistence of melancholy, but in a bright and sunny climate. That almost makes it worse.

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