Monday, April 26, 2021

Hidden Valley in Infrared (pt. 1, JCH)

 Today is Monday, and we were supposed to get rain. We didn't, all we got was this measly T-shirt, or rather, a few dramatic clouds. Our drought will be mighty this year.

I had to get out to do something. I was hoping to go to a garden, but I just didn't feel like it. The weather was colder than I liked, and there was too much wind. Plus, in the early morning, it did look as if rain might fall, but it was a mirage. But noon it was apparent we would be receiving nothing, and for the next week, we will have pitiless sun in the forecast. So I got ready and took a quick trip to the Hidden Valley Nature Reserve again. I've been itching to continue using my 6x17 camera, and I wanted to use infrared to take advantage of the clouds.

Here are my frames shot with JCH Streetpan. Exposure was f22 and 1/15th of a second, on a tripod. Development was 11 minutes. They still turned out very underexposed, and I kind of suspected this as I was driving home. I could have kicked myself. Next time, longer exposures, I need at least 1/2 a second. I will try that, but not with this camera because the edges come out so dark. I will do it with my Fuji GW690, where the lens does not vignette nearly as much.

{I tried to upload but the site gave me error messages. I guess the images were too big.}

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