Friday, April 9, 2021

The Pumpkin Rock with Autocord (pt. 1)

 Here are a few photos of the climb to the Pumpkin Rock in Norco, CA, on Wednesday, April 7th. It was a day in which I was headed to the Hidden Valley again but I said, no, I need to go somewhere else, I can't keep drinking from the same well, so I changed directions. It was not too hot, and I thought a good climb would be a great change of pace. It turned out to be an arduous climb for me, I took a longer route and it really strained me. I was thankfully not carrying too much equipment, I was using my Minolta Autocord TLR with Foma 200 film. The shutter speed was 1/125, that is what I use all the time with this film, and I had my orange filter. What I do is vary the aperture, most of the time I use f16, but sometimes, I open it up or close it down. This works better for me, so I have one less variable (shutter speed) to think about. It bears saying again, the lens on the Minolta is very sharp.

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