Thursday, April 8, 2021

The California Botanic Garden in 8x10 (pt. 1)

 Here is an 8x10 negative taken at the California Botanic Garden in late March. You may very well ask, why does there appear to be a light leak at the edge? Well, is it a light leak, or did I bend the emulsion and produce that effect? Well, I look at the negative and I don't see a bend, but something is definitely going on. It might also be the negative holder. I will have to check my notes, maybe this is the same holder that produced the light leaks at the UCR garden. I am also suspecting that the electrical tape I used in the interior of the camera might be causing a problem. It is black electrical tape, but it is not flat matte black, so it might be reflecting some light when the shutter opens. So many things to do, and so much stress that doesn't enable me to handle these tasks calmly. Would you believe I have not completed my income tax forms yet, and the deadline is in one week? Well, here we are. Again.

This is negative one.

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