Saturday, April 3, 2021

Hidden Valley with Foma 200 (Minolta Autocord)

 Here are the other six frames from today's roll taken at the Hidden Valley Nature Reserve. I enjoyed walking around there today, and after viewing these photos, I am in awe of the Autocord lens. It might not rank among the legends, people say that Hasselblads are the ones in the top league, or else, the legendary German lenses, but for a humble (but ambitious) Japanese camera that competed very successfully with the Rolleicords, if not the Rolleiflexes, it seems a wonder to me. It might not be a Xenotar, but I guess I will never know the quality of that lens. 

By the way, I bought my Autocord at a San Francisco monthly camera meet way back in about 2000. I was lusting for one even then, and when the vendor sold it to me for about $110, I was overjoyed. It had problems, one of the pins for the viewfinder was missing and the focusing lever was very, very hard to move, signaling the possibility that it could snap off at any moment, but if these imperfections made the camera affordable, so be it. Those problems has since been taken care of after I sent it in to be repaired a few months ago. It was in storage for a long, long time. Probably a decade, because when I took it out to use again, in about 2017, I found a roll from a trip to Yosemite during the only time that I went, which was in 2006. So, it was out of commission for over a decade.

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