Saturday, April 3, 2021

Hidden Valley with Fuji Neopan Acros 100 (last batch)

 And this is the last batch of photos to finish off my Acros roll. I took these last six images today, Saturday, April 3rd, 2021, and developed today for 10 minutes in D76. I think they are a little better exposed, because I was watching my aperture setting like a hawk today, knowing how easily the gauge moves and opens up. That might have been what caused such a problem with the previous six exposures, I think I was too foolhardy and trusty, remembering that the gauges were almost frozen in place before I sent the camera to be repaired a few months ago.

There were wispy clouds today, perfect for black and white film and a red or orange filter. I had the latter. It vignettes, but if I expose properly, it works by darkening the sky. The lens images look very sharp.

As I was leaving I drive down the Norco main avenue, which is 6th avenue. I see flags here and there proclaiming defiance of Biden. One said "F*ck Biden". In other houses, I see the dark American flag, the one that looks very eerie. I didn't know what it meant, although I figured it had to do with Trump affiliation, because I saw a truck with a big dark flag pinned to the back, and of course, we all remember the Trump louts who, after the 2016 election, were driving around everywhere with gigantic flag anchored on the beds of their trucks. I looked it up, it is a symbol of defiance, a Confederate signal that they will show no mercy in their opposition to the enemy. It was no surprise, Norco is, after all, Trump Town USA, although it surprises me to see these symbols of hate and intimidation right next to so many Christian churches. But it shouldn't surprise me, the Christian movement is holding hands with white supremacist ideology, and it has always had a kind spot for fascists and dictators as well as racists. 

I left feeling upset at seeing those black American flag pinned so proudly on poles next to these houses that proclaim to be good people. They love Trump, his anger, his lying, he penchant for cheating, his take no prisoners, his instincts for degrading and insulting others, everything about him speaks to their not-so-hidden values. They view this as a war, and I am sure they are plotting.

Here are my images. I might distrust Norco cowboy culture, but I will still go to the Hidden Valley Nature Reserve.

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