Thursday, April 15, 2021

More 6x17 images, but in infrared

 Well, today was a Zoom day, I was to spend all afternoon chained to the computer, but it was a day of exams, so I wasn't presenting anything. I was just proctoring. So, I said, damn the torpedos, I am going out to take some 6x17 images during the morning. 

After taking care of some details, I left at 10 a.m. and arrived at the UCR Botanic Garden at 10:30 a.m. Remarkably, I found a spot, someone had just pulled out, but otherwise, it was filled. It was even close to the gate! And the weather was cooperating, we had nice clouds, so I figured, I could take some expansive landscape shots by climbing up to the top.

I did what I could. I shot two rolls of HP5+, but the rolls came out "fat", that is, loosely rolled when I had finished exposing them, so the one I developed today had massive light leaks. 

I also shot a roll of infrared with JCH Streetpan, wishing as I did to erase the tinge of failure from having shot a roll with this same film last Saturday at the Hidden Valley Nature Reserve, but having made a massive mistake with the exposure and having underexposed them so that the roll was almost transparent. This time, I set my aperture to f11, and my shutter speed to 1/30th, trying to hold it as steadily as I could. I figured, this is almost large format, and it is very wide angle, so I was hoping to minimize any blur from holding it. 

Here are three scans from today. These are not the full resolution scans, these are just screen grabs, because this site will not allow me to upload 35 megabyte files. But I am pleased with them. The fourth shot on this roll I ruined because I forgot to roll it all the way when I was taking it out of the camera. Such as rookie mistake, as Nick Carver said in one of his videos in which he made numerous mistakes trying to use the 4x5 black and white peel-apart film.

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