Saturday, April 3, 2021

Hidden Valley with Fuji Neopan Acros 100

And here are images taken with the Minolta Autocord with the famed Acros 100 black and white film. I don't know what the h*ll happened. They look terrible to me, and the negatives are very, very thick. I think that, for the first block, I was using the repaired camera and the aperture ring is very, very loose. It moves way too easily, and it might have been opened too much, going down to f5.6 or more. But I can't blame it only on that, but that would explain the shallow depth of field for some of the photos. I recognize the vantage point too, the third parking lot at the very end of the reserve, where there is a small canyon with a gnarled tree. 

I took these photos maybe a month or more ago, because I had six exposures in the camera when I picked up my Autocord again today. No, they have not been "cooking" in the sun either, the camera was inside my desk in my cool room. Also, there is vignetting. I blame it on the orange filter. 

Here are the photos. I'll post the second batch in the next post.


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