Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Carlosbad Flower Fields (pt. 1)

 Just kidding, I know it is spelled "Carlsbad", but since there is such a big Mexican community in the area, including my cousins who were raised in that city, I want to call it Carlosbad.

I went because it was there, to quote a certain Edmund Hillary. Well, actually, I've been wanting to go, and this was my chance. The season will end on May 9th, so time is limited. 

By going, I think I was paying tribute as well to my aunt (tía) Socorro who passed away in December. She worked for a period in that place, and they still have many Mexican laborers working there. How do I know? Because I saw them there, walking amid the flowers and picking them, when I was walking around.

I was worried it would be cloudy but, thankfully, we did have sunlight for a little while. Then the gloom and doom crashed down on us, and I didn't want to take any more photos, I wanted to leave. It even drizzled a little bit. I cancelled my plans for the second half, which were to go to the Oceanside Pier and then to San Luis Rey. It was just too gloomy, and I didn't want to risk it in case the drizzle turned to rain.

A note to myself: many women dress up to go there and take photos in the fields. They present many photographic possibilities. Just so that I know. Another note: this would be a good outing for my mom.

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