Monday, May 3, 2021

A few 6x9 Foma at the Railway Museum (pt. 1)

 Here are a few 6x9 medium format film photos from my trip to the Perris Railway Museum yesterday. I developed the roll with the last dregs of developer I had in the container. I need more Arista 76 developer, but luckily, I purchased some over the weekend, and all I have to do is go and pick it up in Santa Fe Springs, along with 30 (yes, 30!) rolls of 120 format HP5+ film and 10 rolls of JCH Streetpan. I know, it might seem excessive, but I noticed that the big New York photo supply companies have raised the price for HP5+, and I would rather switch to this film than continue with Foma, although after developing today's roll, I have a new appreciation for this Czech film. I am happy with the roll I exposed today. 

I used the Fuji GW690ii camera with a red filter. The aperture and the shutter I no longer recall, but I think I was using f16 and 1/60th. We had a hazy sunlight yesterday, but at times, the sun would peak out. What a change of pace from today when we had blasting sun all day, with nary a cloud in the sky.

Here are the first four exposures. I will post the second batch in the next.

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