Sunday, May 23, 2021

Last batch from my walk

 Here is the last batch from my walk on May 22nd:

This is the park close to where I lived as a child. It didn't have these structures when I was a kid, I just remember it as a big lawn of green.

Playground equipment at the park close to where I lived. We would have been in heaven if this equipment had been there when we were kids. Now, just a homeless man laying down on the slide.

This is the former Boys Club that was meant to keep prospective cholos occupied so that they would turn away from the gang lifestyle. I remember going there a few times when I was a kid, but it was too "rough" for me. They had pool tables and weight-lifting sets. It was not for me. Now, it functions as a school for young children. My niece attended preschool here.

The back yard at the former Boys Club.

I remember this wall was there when I was a kid. I don't remember what the game or sport was called, but it is the one where we would take a big and bouncing ball and just hit it with our hands against the wall, taking turns with another player.

There are sailboats in the city called Crown! It is a very inauspicious place for such a business, it seemed to me. We have no lakes nor ocean, and the Santa Ana river is much too small and dry most of the year. 

Had we had this business when I was a kid, I would have automatically thought, "Gilligan's Island".

The new city hall. I think it is much too nice a building for the hard-scrabble city that is ours, but then, the people of the south side of our city, with all the new housing developments carved out of the former orange groves, would say it is too humble for them. 

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