Sunday, May 23, 2021

Walk around the city (pt. 3)

 More photos from my walk on Saturday, May 22nd:

A last walk through the Farmer's Market

Now I've crossed the street and I am looking at an empty, bare lot. It looks like a derelict field.

Looking back at the Farmer's Market across the street at the moribund mall.

Another view of desolate lots. A good thing they have private owners because, otherwise, if this was city property, it would have been overun with homeless tents. 

This is one end of the street where I used to live when I was a child.

Getting closer as I walk north.

This is the house where I lived for a few years as a child. My family was renting it, not buying it. The house has changed, it wasn't that color and it didn't have that wood fence and it had a walnut tree in front which is gone and replaced. 

A whimsical ornament in front of a neighboring house. I am tempted to buy something similar for us now.

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