Wednesday, May 26, 2021

So Cal Railway Museum in Perris (pt. 2)

 And here is the last black and white image I took at the railway museum on Tuesday, May 25th. I was very, very tired, and when I found this vantage point, it seemed to promising. However, I could not level the image so that I had a straight horizon, I had to really work at it, adjusting one way and the next. I can't see very clearly using my old blue shirt as my dark cloth, I will need a dedicated black cloth. Plus, I was feeling a little uneasy with the worker a few hundred feet away sitting in his cart monitoring me. And finally, the wind was picking up and shaking the camera. I had to wait for a long time to get a temporary pause in the wind, and as it is, I don't think the shaking stopped entirely. I should have just declined to take this image, but I worked so hard to set it up, and I wanted this one so that I could go home. I wanted to take a color slide of some trains in another area, and I actually walked there, but there was no clear composition, and I was tired, and what I saw didn't merit $30, so I left.

By the way, there was a big hound panting frantically as I was leaving. I wondered if it came on its own, since it was not tied up anywhere. It looked to me to be in desperate need of water, it had its tongue out and it was panting, and yes, it was hot. I looked around but there was no container I could use to pour the rest of my bottled water out. I went back to my car, where I could still hear the panting far away, then took a stryofoam cup and tore off the top, then poured my water and took it back to the dog. As I left he was drinking away, and I only wish I could have given him more water.

Here is the image. I don't know why I have the massive light leak. I think it might have to do with the filter which is incorrectly placed. I think there is a gap in the filter, and I can see it, where the black electrical tape has peeled away, but also, I can't eliminate the possibility that this holder was not seated corrected in the camera, or that the camera or holder might have a leak on that side. Since I obtained another photo with the camera with no leak, I think it is either the holder itself or the makeshift red filter I place on the lens. Bummer.

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