Tuesday, May 11, 2021

A few images from Oceanside

 After Zooming away this morning, as I am forced to do with my two classes on Tuesday mornings, I was tired. I went and bought some food and ate lunch, then relaxed. I had been planning on going out to climb up a hill, but it was hot outside and the cloud cover had burned away. I was in no mood, and lately, I lack the motivation. I just don't want to do things.

Instead I napped then I started scanning away a storm. I scanned about 5-6 rolls of negatives, from black and white to color to slides. It took me a while, and I only stopped because my scanner malfunctioned at the end. 

Here are a few images taken in Oceanside several years ago. I am not sure when, they might be from 2019. Speaking of which, I am tempted to return to Oceanside tomorrow, but the way I am feeling, with such a lack of interest in photography any longer, I might not go anywhere.

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