Saturday, May 15, 2021

Back to the Arboretum

 I was debating where I would go yesterday. It was my free day, I was done with Zooming (that is, teaching Zoom classes), and as a matter of fact, I had concluded the teaching portion of this semester. I had to celebrate somehow, and I wanted to go out and do something. Most of the places I have been visiting are public gardens in the Age of the Pandemic, and I didn't necessarily want to return, but it was my best option. It turned out to be a great trip.

That morning I went ahead and ordered my ticket. This is the difference between the Arboretum and the Huntington Library, if you want a ticket to the latter, you need to order several days in advance. The Arboretum is available on a same-day basis. Also, no driving for an eternity to reach San Diego (or Encinitas, where the San Diego Botanic Garden is located). I couldn't avoid the sapping driving experience on my way back from the Arboretum, but it would have been worse going down south.

My entry time was set for 11 a.m. The thing is, you need to eat before you enter the garden. I am noticing that there are families that take picnic baskets and camp out on the ground in front of the Arboretum, the place that gives you a view and that is free. I had to detour to go buy something from Pollo Loco, going to the next street, Rosemead Blvd, before returning. I don't want to be walking around and feeling hungry.

It was a gloomy day again, so very, very gloomy. It only lasts until about 11 a.m., but it does not make for good photos. I don't like that bland grey sky, and the lighting does no favor for adding punch to the colors of the flowers (and other vegetation). But it felt very comfortable, not cold at all. The peacocks were calling out to each other today, and far from sounding annoying, it sounded exotic. 

Here are a few photos from the first hour, before the sun came out. I had to increase exposure in software in order to brighten the images. These are, of course, cellphone photos. I took film photos but it will take a while to get them processed.

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