Monday, May 31, 2021

Trip around the city called "Crown"

 Here are a few photos from that same roll from the Minolta Autocord TLR. They are of a morning walk around the civic center. 

Walking up Buena Vista boulevard, there is this empty lot. It is surrounded by apartment buildings and a few single homes. The city council is desperately wishing that it be filled in with more apartments. It is a fate that we can't resist.

This city hall is much to extravagant for a hard-scrabble city such as this one. 

An empy lot where there used to be a mobile home park. It is next to a school facility. When the freeway was expanded as part of a plan to ease traffic woes, that mobile home facility was removed. I wonder what they will do with this lot. It is awaiting, I fear, another greedy developer who will cram it with apartments.

Another view of the lot that will not be empty for long. 

Walking down Lincoln Avenue. I thought I would get a clearer view of the San Gabriel mountains with the orange filter I was using, but no-go. Need I add that this is not a beautiful city?

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