Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Hidden Valley Nature Reserve Lake (in 8x10)

 Here is a scanned image of the hidden lake (well, not so hidden, but no one is ever there) at the Hidden Valley Reserve. I did not have classes today, so I went to my doctor's appointment in the morning, then went and took care of several chores (returning an Amazon item, buying groceries), then graded some exams, then finally, although I slept poorly again (sleep apnea), I went out to test my newly patch-up 8x10 Willtravel camera. Wasn't it already patched up, you ask? Well, it was, but not very well. I saw where the light was leaking in through the tape, and I hid my forehead in frustration, then taped some black velvet inside (and outside) to try to make it more light-proof. I did this last week, and it reignited the desire to use the camera, so finally, today I did.

Here is one image from the lake, with a holder that I had labeled problematic. It turns out, the problems were all due to my faulty work patching the camera and not covering that light leak. The light inversion to get a positive from a negative is lousy, I agree, but my software is limited.

Here is the little lake in color, taken with my cellphone, from another angle that I didn't photograph with the 8x10:

And a colorful tree in the parking lot, also not photographed with the 8x10:

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