Saturday, May 15, 2021

Arboretum in infrared

 Here are a few low-resolution scans of my infrared photos taken at the LA Arboretum on Friday, May 14th, 2021. I used JCH Streetpan 400 film with an R72 filter on the Kraken 6x17 3D-printed camera. This time, I wisened up and used a tripod so that I could use lower shutter speeds and get better-exposed negatives. I used an aperture of f22 and, on a few shots, f32. I also used shutter speeds of 1/4th to 1/2 second. This gave me much, much better negatives, they actually looked normal instead of the barely-visible negatives (thin negatives) I had before when I was handholding. Also, they look to be sharp, too. I developed the rolls early on Saturday and let them dry for a few hours, then scanned at home on the V600. Since I can't upload full scans (they are way too big), I just do a screen grab which is what I am uploading now, so the originals have much more resolution. I am happy with these images, and that means, more money will be going out the door soon as I purchase more of this film. The bad thing, besides the money expenditures, is that I really hate carrying around the tripod.

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