Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Household images on the Busch Pressman

 More strategies to copy with extreme psychological stress: taking photos with my 4x5 Busch Pressman. It has been a long time since I took any photos with this camera, and I was suspecting something was wrong with my mounting of the lens. I never get good images when I do closeups of flowers. I had to try again, and also, try out the new 20th Century Camera 4x5 developing reel. 

I went out and took two holders with Fomapan 100 film. First image was another closeup of a flower, but I screwed up and ruined the image because the damn holder will not stay flush with the back. It has not screws to attach it. I took another images, and this time, I did get the flower.

Next, move to another plant in my back yard to photograph mom's flowers. This time, when I inserted the dark slide, I pulled out the film. It was not loaded correctly. I ruined another frame. Two sheets gone.

Finally, I took a shot of my sister's birdhouse hanging on the fence in the back.

And the reel is a big success, as I wrote in a prior entry! No more violet stain smeared on the negatives! I am so overjoyed by this. The negatives even seem clearer and less noisy than what I was obtaining with my B-s Reel. 

Now, if only I can do something to correct the back on my Busch Pressman so it will hold 4x5 film holders. 

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